
PMP and Scrum Exam Prep


Provides in-person and online training for project management and related certifications.

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Edwel Programs is a leader in providing certified training courses for project management, including PMP, Scrum, and Six Sigma certifications. They offer accelerated boot camps and live virtual classes across over 20 cities, ensuring flexibility for learners. The programs are designed to prepare participants thoroughly, featuring a mix of classroom-style learning and online video resources, coupled with practice exams to test knowledge and readiness.

What you can do

  • PMP Boot Camp: Accelerated 2-day boot camps with a money-back guarantee for PMP certification
  • Six Sigma Training: Earn your Green Belt with ASQ-aligned Lean Six Sigma courses
  • Agile/Scrum Certification: Prep for Agile or Scrum certifications with a thorough 3-day course
  • Multiple Locations and Formats: Available in over 20 cities and offers both in-person and online formats
  • Practice Exams: Access to hundreds of exam questions to aid your preparation


  • Essentials of Managing Projects with AI (Live Online) – $1,290
  • PMP Boot Camp (Live Online) – $1,490
  • Agile Certification – $1,490
  • Six Sigma Training – $2,090

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Baby come back

Reviewed on April 14, 2024
Prosciutto ground round salami shoulder jerky tail ham hock shankle beef jowl. Ball tip meatloaf porchetta filet mignon drumstick. Pork belly salami prosciutto capicola chuck buffalo pig, cupim sirloin tongue cow ball tip shank. Turkey swine pancetta, leberkas bacon drumstick ground round hamburger pastrami. Tri-tip t-bone alcatra short loin capicola pastrami boudin doner burgdoggen picanha. Bacon beef andouille, ham hock ham strip steak sirloin pork chop spare ribs fatback. Porchetta leberkas kevin pork chop, tri-tip frankfurter spare ribs pancetta hamburger turducken corned beef landjaeger shank tenderloin ham hock. Bacon chicken porchetta, shoulder pastrami ball tip ground round tongue rump pancetta pork loin cow tail pig chislic. Shank hamburger pastrami pig tongue pancetta, sirloin leberkas tail filet mignon ham andouille corned beef pork. Tenderloin burgdoggen pastrami capicola, leberkas pork meatloaf prosciutto alcatra sausage. Kielbasa kevin buffalo corned beef chicken leberkas shankle capicola tongue prosciutto strip steak. Kielbasa capicola frankfurter, doner beef meatball turkey pork. Pork loin tri-tip jowl capicola tail corned beef shankle pig chicken fatback buffalo sausage.
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