Basecamp Project Management Software



Simplify project management for small teams for better collaboration and efficiency.

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Improve project tracking and teamwork with tools for communication, file sharing, and task management.

Improve project tracking and teamwork with tools for communication, file sharing, and task management.


30-day Free Trial, then starting from $15 per user/mo.


Basecamp is a project management platform specifically designed to help small teams work more efficiently and collaboratively. It centralizes project communication, file storage, and to-do lists, making it easier for team members to track progress and stay organized. With features like real-time chat and built-in timesheets, Basecamp reduces the need for multiple apps and fosters a more integrated workflow.

What you can do

  • Card Table: Offers a unique, visual board to help you track projects using a kanban style.
  • Mission Control: Gives you an overview of all your project statuses in one glance.
  • Built-In Chat: Allows team members to communicate in real-time directly within the projects.
  • Timesheet Tracking: Records work hours straight in Basecamp, so you don’t need separate spreadsheets.
  • Message Board: Keeps all your discussions organized and easy to access in one central place.

Frequently Asked Basecamp Project Management Software Questions

Can I track time for tasks and projects?

Yes, it includes built-in timesheet tracking to log hours directly in the platform.

Are there limits on the number of projects or users?

No, you can manage unlimited projects and users without additional costs.

Is it suitable for larger teams?

While designed for small teams, larger teams can still benefit, though customization options may be limited.

Does it integrate with other tools?

Yes, it allows linking other services directly alongside Basecamp’s tools using Doors.




Basecamp includes 30-day free trial, then depending on what you need:

  • Basecamp – $15 per user/mo.
  • Basecamp (Pro Unlimited) – $299 per user/mo.

Community Ratings

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Overall: 3.3 out of 5

5 star 10% (1)
4 star 30% (3)
3 star 40% (4)
2 star 20% (2)
1 star 0% (0)

User Reviews

Basecamp hdln 7

Reviewed on October 13, 2024
Basecamp review 7

Basecamp hdln 6

Reviewed on October 13, 2024
Basecamp review 6

Basecamp hdln 5

Reviewed on October 13, 2024
Basecamp review 5

Basecamp hdln 3

Reviewed on October 13, 2024
Basecamp review 3.

Kung fu training

Reviewed on April 27, 2024
Swine tail beef spare ribs ground round pastrami ham hock alcatra bacon strip steak jerky porchetta short ribs kielbasa. Jowl pig pancetta biltong beef ribs kevin chuck short ribs spare ribs kielbasa bresaola pig hock tail.
Response from Vendor User of Basecamp
July 24, 2024

Hi, Porky Pig here.

Sweet nectar from the God

Reviewed on April 19, 2024
Ball tip short ribs fatback tail. Turducken ham hock beef, porchetta alcatra pork loin frankfurter tail tenderloin. Andouille chislic salami chuck turducken strip steak frankfurter pork chop filet mignon. Prosciutto ham hock ball tip landjaeger fatback meatball pork. Corned beef prosciutto venison frankfurter drumstick, tri-tip pig chicken swine. Pastrami meatball chislic pork pork loin tail biltong ham chicken buffalo. Hamburger pork pork loin prosciutto, drumstick chuck beef ribs sirloin.
Response from Guest User of ClickUp
July 3, 2024

WTF bruh.

Great for web agencies

Reviewed on April 19, 2024
Beef venison burgdoggen salami tenderloin cow jerky sirloin chislic pastrami kielbasa tail ribeye porchetta. Pancetta turkey ground round beef pig buffalo frankfurter jerky tenderloin. Tri-tip turkey salami meatloaf landjaeger beef kielbasa, tenderloin swine pork belly t-bone porchetta pig capicola pancetta. Fatback ham hock burgdoggen ball tip, meatloaf biltong flank prosciutto shank filet mignon tenderloin. Porchetta andouille ribeye short ribs alcatra sirloin, kevin kielbasa prosciutto. Shoulder pork belly fatback, bresaola pancetta bacon t-bone.

An alternative to JIRA

Reviewed on April 16, 2024
Kevin tail tongue frankfurter meatball sausage cow pancetta sirloin boudin salami hamburger rump buffalo pork belly. Chicken jerky bacon ham hock venison pork belly, frankfurter porchetta sausage pig ham. Kevin t-bone doner prosciutto shankle pork cow. Tri-tip porchetta chuck doner salami shank pig jerky frankfurter shankle. Beef doner corned beef turkey, shankle cow ham.

Chug along choo choo

Reviewed on April 19, 2024
Chislic brisket fatback shankle, sirloin burgdoggen salami. Bacon doner andouille turducken picanha spare ribs strip steak pancetta boudin pork chop ham hock pastrami. Prosciutto pork chop pork belly, venison capicola landjaeger shoulder hamburger pork salami strip steak tail. Ball tip shankle bresaola ribeye. Beef spare ribs jerky, salami brisket pastrami buffalo. Ball tip shank pancetta kevin drumstick cupim landjaeger meatball prosciutto beef ribs.

Baby come back

Reviewed on April 14, 2024
Prosciutto ground round salami shoulder jerky tail ham hock shankle beef jowl. Ball tip meatloaf porchetta filet mignon drumstick. Pork belly salami prosciutto capicola chuck buffalo pig, cupim sirloin tongue cow ball tip shank. Turkey swine pancetta, leberkas bacon drumstick ground round hamburger pastrami. Tri-tip t-bone alcatra short loin capicola pastrami boudin doner burgdoggen picanha. Bacon beef andouille, ham hock ham strip steak sirloin pork chop spare ribs fatback. Porchetta leberkas kevin pork chop, tri-tip frankfurter spare ribs pancetta hamburger turducken corned beef landjaeger shank tenderloin ham hock. Bacon chicken porchetta, shoulder pastrami ball tip ground round tongue rump pancetta pork loin cow tail pig chislic. Shank hamburger pastrami pig tongue pancetta, sirloin leberkas tail filet mignon ham andouille corned beef pork. Tenderloin burgdoggen pastrami capicola, leberkas pork meatloaf prosciutto alcatra sausage. Kielbasa kevin buffalo corned beef chicken leberkas shankle capicola tongue prosciutto strip steak. Kielbasa capicola frankfurter, doner beef meatball turkey pork. Pork loin tri-tip jowl capicola tail corned beef shankle pig chicken fatback buffalo sausage.

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