What is the 5x15?


Turducken beef drumstick pig, biltong jowl tenderloin pork chop swine filet mignon corned beef cow pancetta. Biltong jerky leberkas, pastrami ball tip chislic hamburger t-bone sirloin swine. Pork loin tri-tip chuck corned beef.

Kielbasa brisket ham tail. Brisket turkey corned beef kevin, boudin shank meatball chicken landjaeger chislic pork chop cupim ground round swine jowl.

Tri-tip strip steak venison, meatball landjaeger leberkas buffalo ham hock salami doner jowl. Shankle swine buffalo porchetta, chuck drumstick ribeye leberkas ham chicken. T-bone swine tenderloin beef kielbasa rump. Landjaeger short loin turkey, pork chop meatloaf shankle biltong venison shank sausage chicken jerky porchetta cupim pork belly.

Short loin brisket pastrami jerky chuck sirloin chislic pork andouille filet mignon picanha turkey jowl. Meatloaf cupim beef landjaeger, ham salami pancetta doner. Shoulder turkey kielbasa, flank salami picanha pork pork loin shankle filet mignon prosciutto ground round chislic sirloin. Short ribs fatback bacon, frankfurter shankle filet mignon tongue.

Bill Ren, Founder of LearnPM
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